Why PhiBrows is our Certification of Choice

When it comes to eyebrow certifications, there are many options out there. But, like most things, all options are not equal. Our BrowPro brow tech Ashley insists on PhiBrows certifications for her own arsenal, because she knows that PhiBrows is truly committed to being the best in brows. 

So why is PhiBrows so amazing? Let us count the ways:

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Powdered Ombré and Combination Brows

Our brow expert, Ashley @ BrowPro, is so excited to bring powdered ombré and combination brows to her offered services here at Byōōdē Bar!  These exciting new trends in brows create a super soft, fresh makeup feel to your frons, in a semi-permanent procedure that lasts 16-36 months.
Let's break down what these new services are and why we're so excited about them.

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